Spider Vein Removal Treatment
Undesirable veins on legs, face and other parts of the body will disappear for just £35!
Fine Print:
- Voucher expires 18th November 2017
- One voucher per person
- Multiple may be purchased & distributed as gifts
- Please book in advance for availability as voucher wont be extended
- Whilst Ania is with a client her mobile may be on silent/vibrate, Ania will return all calls or texts as soon as possible to arrange
- Must give 24 hours notice if you need to change your appointment otherwise voucher becomes invalid
- Radiofrequency RF treatment is not suitable for some skin conditions, electronic devices and implants - Please see the full list within the deal
- The most effective, quick and comfortable treatment
- Immediate results
- No elastic stockings or bandages
- Can be used on any skin photo type
- Very moderate pain; the treatment can be easily endured